Month: April 2011
Ainhara Del Pozo Nogales
Graduated in Political Science and Social and Cultural Anthropology. She has participated in an academic mobility program at the University of Belgrano in Argentina. She has studied the Master of Anthropology and Ethnography (University of Barcelona) where he carried out an ethnographic study on the mobilizations for the improvement of primary care centers in Barcelona, carrying out a case study of the conflict of CAP Raval Nord.
Currently, she is pursuing doctoral studies at the University of Barcelona, investigating various social movements for environmental justice
Member of the research group Antropologia de les Crisis i les Transformacions Contemporànies (CRITS) at the Universitat de Barcelona. Additionally, she is part of the Observatori d’Antropologia del Conflicte Urbà (OACU), and the working groups Antropologia de l’Estat i de l’Acció Pública, and Perifèries Urbanes at the Institut Català d’Antropologia (ICA).
Thematic lines: Political anthropology, social movements and collective action. Urban anthropology, processes of gentrification, revaluation and urban transformation.
Email: ainhara.delpozo(a)
Stefano Portelli
Check also his personal webpage
Stefano Portelli (Rome, 1976), independent researcher attached to the Institut Català d’Antropologia, founding member of the Research group of Perifèries Urbanes, administrator of the website, and member of the multidisciplinary collective of anthropologists, architects and town planners Repensar Bonpastor. He graduated in Cultural Anthropology in 2001 from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” with a thesis on the contradictions of international development cooperation based on field work in the periphery of Managua (Nicaragua), valued with the highest note summa cum laude. In Barcelona, it dealt with the social impact of urban transformations and the interaction between collective memory and struggles for the territory, promoting projects subsidised by the ICA and the Memorial Democràtic de Catalunya. Mentrestant treballava com a educador social amb infants i menors no acompanyats, interessant-se en les ideologies del control i en l’autonomia dels nens en l’espai públic.
Starting in 2004 he began field work in the neighborhood of cheap houses of the Bon Pastor, which was being demolished. In collaboration with an association of local residents, and with a coordinating team by Professor Manuel Delgado, the research focused on past and present forms of opposition to the planning and impact of the reconfiguration of the space on the everyday and perceptions of the inhabitants, with special interest in the dynamics of immigration and exclusion, on the techniques of conflict resolution, and the autonomy of children. In 2009 this work was subsidised by l’Inventari del Patrimoni Etnològic de Catalunya, and the resulting monograph “La ciutat horitzontal: lluita social i memòria col·lectiva a les cases barates de Barcelona”, was published in 2015 in Catalan and in Spanish.
In 2007-2008 I attended the training “Ethnopsychiatrie des nouveaux désordres psychosociaux” at the Georges Dévereux Centre of the University of Paris VIII, focusing since then on ethnotechnics for conflict management and psychological problems, in particular the practices of adorcism linked to Sufi brotherhoods: He resided in Larache (Marrecos) during 2009-2010, and is currently investigating the adaptation of these techniques to the context of the diaspora in Europe, and analysing the applications of space anthropology in social and therapeutic intervention.
Publications (check also his personal webpage):
Activist*scholar collaborations in times of crisis, and beyond: Reflections on ‘Urban Activism: Staking Claims in the 21st Century City’
From the Horizontal to the Vertical
Pietro Saitta, Prendere le case
Eviction and displacement from the neighbourhood of Douar Wasti in Casablanca, Morocco
“The Cry of the Excavator. Notes on the social impact of urban renewall”
La ciudad horizontal. Urbanismo y resistencia en un barrio de casas baratas de Barcelona
“La ciutat horitzontal, Lluita social i memòria col·lectiva als marges de Barcelona”
“The casas baratas of Bon Pastor: a worker’s reservoir on the edges of Barcelona”.
“Sul mito della partecipazione cittadina a Barcellona: dall’urbanismo franchista al ‘modello’ democratico”
“Repensar Bonpastor: una intervención multidisciplinaria independiente en un barrio afectado por la transformación urbanística”
…Juan Granero
Born in Xàtiva (València) in 1993. He studied undergraduate studies at the Universitat Catòlica de València (UCV). Graduated in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), and Master in Anthropology and Ethnography at this same university.
Interested in urban issues and religious anthropology. He has carried out fieldwork in the city of Barcelona and in the Valencian Country. He defended his TFG under the title “Música sin permiso: Apropiación y significación del espacio urbano a propósito del músico itinerante en el metro de Barcelona”. He is currently working on his TFM, provisionally entitled: “Donde los santos fuman: Ritual y Subalternidad en un pueblo del interior valenciano”, in which he tries to reconstruct the history of the area through an emerging festive ritual. He is a member of various research groups other than Perifèries Urbanes. Among them: GREMHER of the Universitat de Barcelona and the Group de Treball on Anthropologia, Imatge i Cultura Visual (IVAC) of the Institut Català d’Antropologia.…
Iván Ramírez
Iván Ramírez Osorio (Bogotá, 1993) studied anthropology at the Colegio Mayor Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia. He is currently a student of the master’s degree in anthropology and ethnography at the Universitat de Barcelona. He is part of the research group associated with the Institute Català d’Antropologia (ICA) Perifèries Urbanes and the research and development project (R & D) MOVER.
His Master’s Final Work (TFM) seeks to describe the relationships, associations and temporalities that infrastructures have with people, government entities and economic entities.
Specifically, it works on the case of the unfinished high-speed train station (AVE) in La Sagrera, the implications that the planning and execution processes of the project have on the daily lives of the people who cohabit the Station and the various networks that make up this mega-project.…
Photos: Barcelona’s Montjuïc
Four photos of Montjuïc mountain, when there still were people living on it. Even if for history it was only “slums”, many of them remember houses, written records, roads and street numbers. These photos come from private collections of former residents of “Eduardo Aunós” neighborhood. The old slum dwellers, almost all of them from Murcia or Andalusia, had to leave their houses in the 1920s, because of the celebration of an Universal Exposition. They were relocated in the Casas Baratas, but then their sons and nephews were evicted again at the end of the century. The need for land hit again those immigrant families; and it doesn’t matter how many generation they had been living in their “welcoming land”.…