La Corrala, study group in anthropology, has just published this collective book that analizes the urban transformation in nine cities of the Spanish state: Barcelona, Tarragona, Mallorca, Valencia, Murcia, Sevilla, Cadiz and Granada. “Every chapter exposes how the city has transformed, focusing on one or more aspects of its development, also looking at the forms of resistance that appeared as a response to the different urban interventions. After this national map of the disaster, the epilogue “Del plano al mapa” compares and summarizes the main dynamics that rule the hegemonic model of the capitalist city. At the end of the book there is an interesting synthesis of the work of the audiovisual collective Left Hand Rotation in its workshop Gentrificación no es un nombre de señora in diferent cities of the world. DESCARREGA EL LLIBRE EN PDF AQUI
- Webpage of La Corrala :: Promotional Video in vimeo :: Crowdfunding webpage :: Article on the blog Seres Urbanos of El Paìs