• Stop the genocide!

    The members of the working group Perifèries Urbanes of the Catalan Institute of Anthropology (ICA) express their deepest solidarity with the Palestinian people, suffering 75 years of illegal colonialism by the state of Israel, and request all Catalan and European academic institution to suspend their collaboration with Israeli universities, until […]


Five years since the conflict in Gamonal

10/07/2019 0

In 2014 some residents of Burgos fought a battle against the project of a boulevard planned to cut through their neighborhood. The conflict was so harsh that the City Council had to suspend the project.

They died because they were poor

24/09/2018 0

It was a scandal when the UK opposition proposed to take over empty buildings to house survivors of Grenfell fire. But in the past politicians already adopted this kind of measures to face the housing crisis; obviously, forced by the squatting movement…

Camping in September

17/09/2018 0

Three interesting events this September: European Housing Action Camp in Lisbon from 21st to 25th, Right to the City Camp in Prague from 27th to 29th, Yimby festival in Boston from 20th to 23rd!

Auto-construction: for an autonomy of housing

04/09/2018 0

John F. C. Turner (*1927) is an English architect known for its engagement with the study and practice of self-construction. He was influenced by Patrick Geddes and anarchism, he studied in London’s Architectural Association, and very soon developed an interpretation of planning and architecture that does not overlook the relationship with its users

The second earthquake

31/07/2018 0

“Emidio di Treviri” is a working group performing research action in the areas hit by the 2016-2017 earthquake in central Italy. They are showing how the political management of post-catastrophe housing, consumption, health, are increasing social inequalities to the point of creating a social earthquake, even worse than the real one.

All cities are possessed

16/02/2018 0

“The aim is not to heal a sick space, but to free it from its evil condition: to save it. Urban space must be regenerated, its vices turned into virtues, its inhabitants redeemed from sin. The real enemy is not disorder, chaos, or poverty; the real enemy is the devil […]


Stop the genocide!

28/11/2023 0

The members of the working group Perifèries Urbanes of the Catalan Institute of Anthropology (ICA) express their deepest solidarity with the Palestinian people, suffering 75 years of illegal colonialism by the state of Israel, and request all Catalan and European academic institution to suspend their collaboration with Israeli universities, until […]

Criminalization of the housing movement in Brazil

25/07/2019 0

Last June 24th four activists for housing were arrested in São Paulo, Brasil, while seventeen others linked to the movement for squatting were put under arrest; fifteen more are threatened of detention. The arbitrariousness of the operation is another signal of the steady drift towards fascism of the state of […]

War and gentrification in Kurdistan

17/10/2016 0

War and urban renewal mingle
in south-eastern Turkey, where the government wages its war against the kurdish movement also through the demolition of traditional neighborhoods and the displacement of residents in huge public-housing blocks.

City Life Vida Urbana: How evicted turn into activists

23/03/2016 0

Boston has today the highest income divide of the US: evictions invariably hit latinos or afroamerican neighborhoods. City Life / Vida Urbana since the 1970s keeps building a network of mutual aid among those who suffer the consequences of these housing policies, also through the use of theater, rituals, symbols.

Life in the ruins of old Nanjing

30/10/2015 0

The anthropologist Ye LIN invites us to look at the demolition of a neighborhood in Nanjing – very near to the spot in where the Youth Olympic Games were held in 2014. Ye studies the impact on the residents of the whole process, also highlighting how our idea of “community” influences the way we judge this kind of interventions.

El Haouma, that is, the neighborhood

09/06/2015 0

What happened to these young men that were so celebrated in 2011, the main actors of the so-called ‘arab springs’? In recent years we only hear news about politicians, leaders, terrorists… but what about normal people, where have they been? The answer is simple: in their neighborhoods. In Hay Hlil, in Oukacha, in Hezbet el Haggana, where there is the same anger and frustration that there was before the protests.

Sydney, a (post)colonial city

22/11/2014 0

On the occasion of the opening of “Australian ‘Ndrangheta”, webpage of a UCL research group of which our friend Stephen BENNETTS is a member, we propose a series of interesting videos and texts from the other corner of the world, on topics such as the expulsions of Aboriginese from native lands and urban neighborhood as Sydney’s Redfern.

Root shock: how the destruction of black communities hurt the US

01/04/2014 0

Mindy Fullilove calls “root shock” the trauma suffered by 1600 Afro-American communities displaced from the city centres of the US since 1949. In her book “Root Shock” (2004) she uses the metaphor of transplantation, a trauma after which, if repeated, many plants can’t recover. Even the transition from the pleasure of jazz, born in the old ghettos, to the anger of rap, product of the new peripheries, is a manifestation of root shock; it is a trauma for those who suffer it, and for society as a whole.

Unlearning the colonial roots of planning

28/12/2013 0

We have been long aware that urban planning, in itself, has something to do with colonialism. But we hadn’t still found a perspective so complete as the one developed by the Australian urbanist Libby PORTER, who studies urban planning as an instrument for spatial exclusion of the aboriginal population: urbanism as a complement and continuation of colonization.



Seminarios OACU – Antropología del Conflicto Urbano:

3 de junio: Stefano Portelli
7 de julio: Marc Morell
Seminarios OACU “Léxico ciutadanista”:
14 de abril: Miguel Mellino ‘ciutadanía’
27 de abril: José Mansilla, ‘sostenibilidad’
11 de mayo: Franco Berardi ‘Bifo’, ‘común’
25 de mayo: Diana Mata Codesal, ‘cuidados’
8 de junio: Jordi Quiñonero, ‘participación’
29 de junio: Manuel Delgado, ‘municipalismo’
Hora:18.30. Links en la página de OACU

Lo que somos

¿Cómo cambia la ciudad? ¿cómo reaccionamos los habitantes a las transformaciones de nuestro entorno? El Grupo de Trabajo de Periferias Urbanas del Instituto Catalán de Antropología pretende buscar formas de abordar las dinámicas de modificación del paisaje humano que acompañan las transformaciones del paisaje urbano, es decir, las ciudades. Estando allí, en las periferias, es decir lejos de los centros de poder; creando vínculos nuevos con sus habitantes; intentando comprender, explicar, describir, siempre en dirección de una aplicación práctica y pública del conocimiento.

Una mención prestigiosa


El proyecto Repensar Bonpastor y nuestro grupo de trabajo han sido reseñados por Denise Lawrence-Zuniga en American Anthropologist vol.114, sept.2012, pp.526-527. Bajar PDF del artículo :: un interesante episodio

Otras mencion prestigiosas


Beltrán Roca nos ha mencionado en Libre Pensamiento, n.71, primavera 2012, como un ejemplo de "la antropologia anarquista que casi existe". Pau Vidal también habla brevemente de Perifèries Urbanes en Vilaweb.
