Notes from a sub-suburb of Madrid

MAD#sub is part of a research on the territorial dynamics of the sub-suburban metropolitan belt of Madrid. It is a process of micro-research-action on the forms of representation of peripheral landscapes, on cultural practices and autonomous narratives related to the transformation and lived experiences of these liminal spaces. We consider liminality as a characteristic of transitional spaces, undetermined, in which any new becoming is possible. Metropolis, and especially its peripheries, are spaces of resistance and new possible propositions, through which new ways of understanding culture and new forms of living can be built. The suburbs of these peripheries are empty spaces, far away from control systems: places where new appropriations and new attributions of meanings are still possible”. From the presentation text of MAD#sub WORKSHOP, organized in PUERTA DEL SUR, from november 19th to 22nd, by Sitesize and La Casa Encendida, Madrid.