Stop the genocide!

28/11/2023 admin 0

The members of the working group Perifèries Urbanes of the Catalan Institute of Anthropology (ICA) express their deepest solidarity with the Palestinian people, suffering 75 years of illegal colonialism by the state of Israel, and request all Catalan and European academic institution to suspend their collaboration with Israeli universities, until the end of the indiscriminate bombing over Gaza, of the invasion of Palestinian land, of the islamophobic and colonial persecution, of the apartheid regime within the state of Israel, and of the zionist project of ethnic supremacy fed by the extreme right, by the weapon industry, and by global financial capitalism, in violation of human rights, of democratic legitimacy, and of tens of UN resolutions.

Request from the Anthropology department of the University of Barcelona, to suspend academic relations with Israeli institutions:

Declaration of the European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA):

Declaration of the Middle East Section of the (North)American Anthropology Association (AAA):

Declaration of the North American Anthropology Association (AAA):

Wastelands: Weizman on military urbanism

03/05/2013 admin 0
The spatial conflict over Palestine has re-articulated a certain principle: to be governed the territory must be constantly redesigned. This goes beyond a search for a stable and permanent “governable” colonial form, but rather points to the fact that it is through the constant transformation of space that this process of colonization has played out. Unpredictability and the appearance of anarchy are part of this violent logic of disorder.