Second International Conference on Anthropology and Urban Conflict
After the success of the First International Conference on Anthropology and Urban Conflict in Barcelona in november 2012, the second conference is being hold now in Rio de Janeiro, and organized together by Barcelona-based OACU and Rio de Janeiro’s Laboratorio de Etnografia Metropolitana. As posted on the Conference’s webpage, “Just as the catalan experience of 1992 Olympic Games was frequently pointed as the source of inspiration for the current context in Rio, the academic production of brazilian and foreign researchers is allowing us to challenge the very construction of the “Barcelona model”, by showing its perverse social impacts which are the results of the processes of the internationalization and mercantilization of cities…”.
- II Jornadas Internacionais de Antropologia do Conflito Urbano, from August 11th to 13th, Rio de Janeiro :: program :: talk on the impacto of the Olympics in Bcn and Río [article] [video]
- Dossier “Antropologia del Conflicto Urbano” in Quaderns-e del ICA n.19(1)2014.
- Something from Brazil: Short computer animation movie about How to prepare the World Cup :: Documentary Every Map Holds A Discourse, by Francine Albernaz and Thaís Inácio, about autonomous cartography in the favelas :: Observatório de Favelas webpage :: and the article by Marcelo Baumann Burgos et al. “O efeito UPP na percepcão des moradores das favelas” (2011)